Building Self-Resilience

Building Self-Resilience


Resilience is the ability to withstand, recover and grow in the face of a crisis, pandemic and changing demands –both positive and negative. Being a resilient person, team and an organization will help self, team and organizations to better manage and overcome the stress, crisis and allow one be it at self, team, or at organizational level to develop sound strategies and productive view of their current situation and their future.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Resilience:
    • The Science of Resilience
  • How to Build Resilient Thinking
    • Three cognitive behavioral skills that help you develop realistic approaches to problems and adversities
    • Reflective exercises to develop one’s own positive coping strategies for facing stressful situations more productively
  • Cultivating Positive Emotions and Engagement:
    • The science and practice of Gratitude and Mindfulness, which help us connect positively with ourselves, our workplace and the world around us
  • Building Social Connections:
    • Reflective and active listening
    • Navigating interpersonal conflict and how to provide support to others to build positive social networks at home and at work
  • Meaning, Purpose and Values:
    • Skills to focus on big-picture how we together create meaning
    • Defining our character strengths and core values
    • Achieve goals, to recover from challenges and celebrate accomplishments
  • Personal Reflection and Crafting of Personal Action Plan to transfer back in life and workplace


1 Day


To be announced

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