Leading Change

Leading Change


Leading Change is a 1 Day workshop designed to help participants deal with change management. The workshop will focus how and why it is important for organizations to change, Participants will also discuss issues related to work and the discomfort in changes. The workshop will also enlighten participants on the processes that lead to change and the need for creating a learning environment. A case study on organizations that have changed successfully will be presented and discussed.

Course Outline

  • To acquire knowledge required to formulate understanding of management change in the light of their organizational situations
  • Apply the 8 Step Process of John Kotter in Leading Change
    • Establishing a sense of Urgency
    • Creating a guiding coalition
    • Developing a vision and strategy
    • Communicating the changed vision
    • Empowering broad-base action
    • Generating short-term wins
    • Consolidating gains and producing more change
    • Anchoring new approaches in culture
  • Applying appropriate Leadership Styles through the 4 Phases of Change Transition
    • Denial Phase
    • Resistance Phase
    • Exploration Phase
    • Commitment Phase
    • Sustainment Phase
  • Application of Leading Change & 4 Phases of Change Transition (Case Study) Discussion and Presentation
  • Personal Reflections and Crafting of Personal Action Plan to transfer learning back to workplace


1 Day


To be announced

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