Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking


“Think strategically!” is common exhortation leaders are challenged with. Given the demands of operating in the VUCA world, the quality of thoughts is vital in addressing complex challenges that change brings about. Consciously calibrating the way, one thinks will enable leaders to improve their strategic thinking for rationally solving complex problems and making right decisions.

This 1 Day Strategic Thinking workshop will equip participants with skills for applying Strategic Thinking that will enhance individual and organizational performance.

Course Outline

  • Explain the need for Strategic Thinking in the context of the Organization’s Vision, Mission and Goals
  • Link Strategic Thinking to specific Roles & Responsibilities
  • Explain the key approaches to Strategic Thinking
  • Explain reflective questioning techniques for Strategic Thinking
  • Apply in-depth SWOT Analysis tool for facilitating Strategic Thinking
  • Develop Personal Action Plan for applying Strategic Thinking at the workplace


1 Day


To be announced

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