Tetramap - Why Are You Like That? (Behavior Preference Tool)

Tetramap - Why Are You Like That? (Behavior Preference Tool)


TETRAMAP: Participants will be taken through a dynamic 5 hours program designed to enhance teambuilding, camaraderie, togetherness and effective communication and conflict management skills. Participants will be engaged in a highly interactive program, allow them to embark on a discovery process of nature being a metaphor The 4 Nature exercises will enable each participant to gain the perceived self -awareness. Through interactive content and discussion reinforced by internationally approved TetraMap instrument, participants will learn to understand one-self and others learn to foster better team spirit and create a sense of synergy and bonding within the organization.

Course Outline

  • How TetraMap establishes a natural foundation for managing others, teamwork, leadership, performance, and sales & service
  • How the nature of metaphor and the tetrahedron shape visually and kinesthetically helps you to explain diversity in leadership, teamwork, change and development
  • Application of TetraMap through team nature exercises and presentation
  • Understanding the 4D and 6D of TetraMap Disposition of team diversity and crafting strategies to overcome team gaps
  • Crafting of your Personal Action Plan, based on your Tetra Nature to make a significant change at workplace


5 Hours


To be announced

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